9049 2100
51 Altair Street (PO Box 89), Southern Cross, WA 6426

Attendance Requirements

Requirements for School Attendance in Western Australia

The Western Australian school system, of which Catholic Education WA is a part, encompasses Kindergarten (two years prior to Year One) to Secondary schooling. School is compulsory from Pre-Primary (one year prior to Year One) until the end of secondary schooling. The School Education Act (1999) requires compulsory aged students to participate in
the educational program of a school.
Under Section 23 of The School Education Act 1999; A student must on the days on which the school is
open for instruction:
(a) either —
I. attend the school at which he or she is enrolled;
II. otherwise participate in an educational program of the school whether at the school or elsewhere, as required by the principal; or

(b) comply with an arrangement under section 24 (Arrangements Alternative to Attendance).

Parent/guardian responsibilities regarding attendance

Section 23 of the School Education Act 1999 (WA) states that parents/guardians must enrol a child of compulsory school age at a registered school and ensure the child attends school at all times when the school is open for instruction. Furthermore, parents/guardians must provide an explanation for any absence their child has and must work in partnership with the school to support their child’s attendance.

Attendance is measured as the number of actual fulltime equivalent student days attended by full-time students in Years One to Ten as a percentage of the total number of possible student days. Educational Risk is defined as falling below 90%. Attendance below 90%
can be further divided into the categories of:

• Indicated (80 – 89%)
• Moderate (60 – 79%)
• Severe (< 60%)

CEWA Student Attendance Flowchart

The below diagram demonstrates how our school manages student attendance:

Absentee notification procedure

To notify the school of your child’s absence, please contact the office on 90492100. If you are aware that your child will be absent please complete a yellow Absence Note and hand to your classroom teacher or return via the child’s communication diary.

Unexplained absenteeism

If we have not receive notification that your child will be absent, you will receive a SMS on the day of the absence. Your response with an explanation of your child’s absence is appreciated. The return SMS can be used in place of the yellow absence note.

Students at educational risk

Our school has a responsibility to monitor students’ attendance and have processes in place to identify and reengage students whose attendance falls below an acceptable level (<90%). This is done in accordance with the CEWA Student Attendance Guidelines

If you have any concerns relating to your child’s attendance please do not hesitate to contact the Principal.